Posts Tagged ‘Hakim Bey’

On Conspiracy Theory:Anton Wilson, Hakim Bey, Media Mafia

July 5, 2008

The problem with conspiracy theory is to believe that there is one particular group of human beings who are in control of my destiny. That’s a philosophical extreme to which I don’t  wanna go.  On the other side it’s obvious that people do conspire. That there are conspiracies, secret internal linkforces behind outward political shows of power.  It is clear that there is not one single known politician in America who has any internal linkreal power at all. They are simply working for big corporations and economic interests like oil, or the global market itself. The best model is, that there are many, at least several conspiracies and that they interlock, that they compete, that they melt into each other, that they separate from each other. If we wanna know what’s going on, if we wanna understand history as it is happening we should know something about these conspiracies.  Again critical consciousness is a useful tool here. -Hakim Bey

The conspiracy theory that’s my favorite, is the one I invented myself.-Robert Anton Wilson

The problem with conspiracy theories is that, like in Borges’s metafiction, when you invent them they run the the risk of becoming true.  Rupert Marduk “The Quantum Joker” 

You know the CIA slang for somebody they’re using who doesn’t know he’s being used? They call that a “useful idiot”. Those writers who get exclusives from congressmen, and they have no idea the congressman is working for the CIA and the exclusive is a myth they’ve invented that they want to get into print. If the journalist takes it, they’re a useful idiot. So of course I have to ask myself occasionally, have I become a useful idiot yet? (laughs).-Robert Anton Wilson

“Nothing is true; everything is permitted- The Naked Lunch

Fedor Dostoievsky said that ” if god doesn’t exist, then everything is allowed”, which put him in an ethical crisis. But how about if we put it this way “god exists, because everything is allowed” ( or: god is everything is allowed) so everything(god the dog) is possible, and even, “god exists making all possibilities exist”. God is his own favorite conspiracy theory. In a metadata universe all code unfolds itself into real-ness. Everything one dreams, thinks or writes translates into all the languages of existence. Permanent forking paths create gardens of reality. This is the divinity inscription in page source code: our cosmic trigger.

Is this true? maybe. Does maybe (and would have been) exist? maybe  


you are dead and alive

you’ve already fucked that girl on tv

you have killed your father

you have been Tiresias

you have been Donkie Kong jr.

you have smoked crack with Alf

you have eaten more, and faster, hot-dogs than Joey Chestnut

you are having dinner with Ruslana Korshunova 

you are happy

Bey’s Poetic Terrorism

November 30, 2007

“WEIRD DANCING IN ALL-NIGHT computer-banking lobbies. Unauthorized pyrotechnic displays. Land-art, earth-works as bizarre alien artifacts strewn in State Parks. Burglarize houses but instead of stealing, leave Poetic-Terrorist objects. Kidnap someone & make them happy. Pick someone at random & convince them they’re the heir to an enormous, useless & amazing fortune–say 5000 square miles of Antarctica, or an aging circus elephant, or an orphanage in Bombay, or a collection of alchemical mss. Later they will come to realize that for a few moments they believed in something extraordinary, & will perhaps be driven as a result to seek out some more intense mode of existence.

Bolt up brass commemorative plaques in places (public or private) where you have experienced a revelation or had a particularly fulfilling sexual experience, etc.

Go naked for a sign.

Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.

Grafitti-art loaned some grace to ugly subways & rigid public momuments–PT-art can also be created for public places: poems scrawled in courthouse lavatories, small fetishes abandoned in parks & restaurants, xerox-art under windshield-wipers of parked cars, Big Character Slogans pasted on playground walls, anonymous letters mailed to random or chosen recipients (mail fraud), pirate radio transmissions, wet cement…

The audience reaction or aesthetic-shock produced by PT ought to be at least as strong as the emotion of terror– powerful disgust, sexual arousal, superstitious awe, sudden intuitive breakthrough, dada-esque angst–no matter whether the PT is aimed at one person or many, no matter whether it is “signed” or anonymous, if it does not change someone’s life (aside from the artist) it fails.

PT is an act in a Theater of Cruelty which has no stage, no rows of seats, no tickets & no walls. In order to work at all, PT must categorically be divorced from all conventional structures for art consumption (galleries, publications, media). Even the guerilla Situationist tactics of street theater are perhaps too well known & expected now.

An exquisite seduction carried out not only in the cause of mutual satisfaction but also as a conscious act in a deliberately beautiful life–may be the ultimate PT. The PTerrorist behaves like a confidence-trickster whose aim is not money but CHANGE.

Don’t do PT for other artists, do it for people who will not realize (at least for a few moments) that what you have done is art. Avoid recognizable art-categories, avoid politics, don’t stick around to argue, don’t be sentimental; be ruthless, take risks, vandalize only what must be defaced, do something children will remember all their lives–but don’t be spontaneous unless the PT Muse has possessed you.”

Dress up. Leave a false name. Be legendary. The best PT is against the law, but don’t get caught. Art as crime; crime as art.”