Posts Tagged ‘innocent girls play’

Sex in Brazil: radiant virgins Kaka and Adriana Lima

August 18, 2008

In a world debouched by media exerting sex as magnetic bait to sell deodorant or soup or everything, where sex for teens is the primary benchmark of belonging and becoming cool,  two unlikely virgins emerge like fresh white stars over the Babelic electronic towers, soft radiant demure could-be-gods of sex: soccer crack Kaka and uber sexy Adriana Lima. The brazilian superstars, each at the top of their business, choose to remain virgin until marriage, complying to religious beliefs.

Although Kaka has already probed the wells of sex, he did so only after marriage, 2 years ago, at the age of 24.  And stepped up to Gisele Bundchen calling the Church’s teachings on sex “ridiculous”.

“Today no one is a virgin when they get married … show me someone who’s a virgin!”

Well Adriana Lima is, at least she says so:”Sex is for after marriage,” she explained. “They (men) have to respect that this is my choice. If there’s no respect, that means they don’t want me.”

It seems almost impossible for her to be still a virgin, a cosmic contradiction, as she is sort of a sexual masterpiece, oozing and overflowing with the kundlini river of erotic manifestation. “The World´s Most Voluptous Virgin” is scheduled to marry NBA serb player Marko Jaric in 2009.

The Timberwolf´s basketball player is certainly getting the best cake of the world, and he is pretty fucking ugly, but his luck is overarching, and like a wolf with a lamb he is going to have the feast of all time.

Probably Adriana Lima and Kaka should have coupled together: both are from Brazil, both are absolutely good looking, both are rich and famous, both are religious, both are about the same age and both are (wre at the time) virgins…

Adriana Lima´s 5 sexiest pictures in the internet here: Raramour

Watermelon has Viagra effects: take with Isabeli Fontana

June 29, 2008

Texas A&M scientists  long have studied watermelons and found that it contains natural “enhancers” to the human body.

“We’ve always known that watermelon is good for you, but the list of its very important healthful benefits grows longer with each study,” said Bhimu Patil, director of Texas A&M’s Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center, in a news release from the university.

Watermelon and some other fruits and vegetables contain phyto-nutrients, including lycopene, beta carotene and citrulline, which are compounds that produce healthy reactions in the body, Patil said.

Watermelon’s relaxes the blood´s vessels much the same way as Viagra does.  SO APPARENTLY WATERMELONS CAN BE USED AS A SOFT SEX TONIC.

We can be in the beach juggling and have a little cocktail before we head into the tent almost imperceptively.

And surf the secret surf of Isabeli Fontana´s pearlnight waves.

Isabeli Fontani: Brazil Sex Mafia gives you mirage flowers

May 31, 2008

Avatar Joao Havelange after retiring from FIFA decided to boost Brazil´s other world´s foremost celebrity industry or industrial sport: supermodels. Having all of the  right connections with the scouts of Florianopolis, Rio and the little towns. He started bringing out the perls of the river and the sea into the secret meetings with CEO´s and instead of just having the girls for them he created holograms for the media,  girls as energy basins and receptors of world aspirational desire.  One of the girls Joao Avelanche brought out calling her “o garota misterosa, o garota de rosa digital”, was Isabel Fontani.

Isabeli likes to smoke flower derviated drugs with Joao and other Petrobras moguls. She likes poppy, she likes salvia divinorum, she like to ride horses after smoking blue lotus flowers, she likes some secret amazonian plants, she likes to ride.

The secret of Havelange is that Isabeli and the other brazilian models of the digital spell bring to them the fountain of youth. And Joao like a vampire will never die, as we flood la fontani with our lustful wantoness.

Kirsten Dunst Smokes Pot

December 14, 2007


Actress Kirsten Dunst recently told the British tabloid The Sun, that she likes to smoke marijuana and that probably the world would be a a better place if everybody smoked the weed. She also made a witty or weedy correlation: “My best friend Sasha’s father, Carl Sagan, was an astronomer. He smoked loads of pot and he was a genius”. You can watch Kirsten pull in a reefer of what evidently feigns to be marijuana, in the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Minds. Kirsten performs a mind-erasing experiment with his boyfriend and starts dancing in her undies and jumping in bed while the sweet cannabis sets in. Cinema Vèrite? and if you dig more movie-reality similarities: Dunst’s charcter in “Spiderman” is named Mary Jane, as in mari-juana, the name that all potheads call their imaginary girfriend.

The russian mafia sceret murder of supermodel Ruslana Korshunova here.

Sexy Pictures of Ruslana Korshunova at RiveronMedia.

MusicVideos: M83-Teen Angst, M83-Don´t Save us from the Flames

December 7, 2007

Two related stories of teen anguish, love, despair and ghosts from the french shogazer synthrock band named after the M83 galaxy.  A window into the secret-crystal-heart of a  beautiful lost teenage girl.

MusicVideo: Au Revoir Simone-Sad Song

December 6, 2007

Triple keyboard action, pretty girls into “beautiful trippy beats” and “mexican boys”, who don´t mind “listening to spanish all night “. Cute, perhaps a bit too much, (cute like: lets bake gingerbread cookies together, u have nice hair) with an invitation like this:

“We three play keyboards and drum machines too. We’ll sing you a song, a lullaby, a tune. We’re from brooklyn, new york but plan to visit you.”

David Lynch with the girls from Au Revoir Simone

December 6, 2007

David Lynch reads some blessings, musicalized by the fresh brooklyn band of girls Au Revoir Simone, wich are on Lynch´s words  “an inspiration, innocent yet modern”…